Tip In

We all love the tip in order deflection. And today I’m going to show you three ways how to do it.


Okay, so the biggest question is, why would you choose to go for a deflection or a tip in? Well, usually, if you can’t receive the ball, and the ball has a lot of power, you can deflect it in once and try and score by letting it just bounce off the stick one touch. So the first method I’m going to try and show you is where you have two hands on the stick, bottom right and top left. And then from here, you’re just going to try and open the face a little bit, and let it jump off high into the goal. So what we’re not actually trying to do is we’re not actually trying to keep our stick like this, because then we’re going to be blocking the ball instead of deflecting it. But we actually rather also not do is just to sit low, and put our stick like this, because if the ball has power, it will fly over the goal most of the time. So we’re going from here to 45 degrees, and this one is also opening 45 degrees, and from here, you’re gonna get the ideal deflection into the goal.


Okay, a little piece of advice is when you’re about to do a deflection you you see your teammate is about to hit the ball towards you, try not to stay where you are, try to move in towards the ball, because your defender is going to be behind you. And if I stay here, and I tried to deflect, my defender will block it. So what you can do is you can surprise by running into the ball, and then try and deflect while you’re moving forward. So go into the ball before you deflect.


Okay, so method number two is when the ball is coming from the other side, on the left side of the pitch, it’s all forehand deflection. So it’s quite simple, you don’t have to think if the ball is coming from the other side. In the second version, what you’re going to try and do is you’re going to try and stay a bit more upright. And you’re going to try and just touch it like this when you’re running into the ball. So you’re running into the ball and the past comes, and then you’re actually just trying to touch the ball a little bit like this a little bit more upright. And from here, it should deflect off towards gold.


If you get it too thick, it’ll either go up too high, or you’re actually trapping the ball, or the ball is going towards the first post or next to the goal. So when you’re coming in the ball, try and touch it really gently and really lightly. So just at the tip of the stick, and then the ball keeps speed. And if it’s going towards goal, then you’ll get the best deflection possible. Okay, deflection number three. What we’re gonna do now is we’re gonna go one handed backhand deflection. And the biggest difference here is that we’re actually going to be deflecting the ball around this part of the stick, all the other deflections, this one was around the top of the stick. And now we’re going to go with one hand towards the ground. And we’re going to try and deflect the ball off that part of the stick into the goal. So what you’re actually doing with this deflection is you’re putting your stick down, and also gives a signal to the person passing that they can hit it hard in front of goal and from here, you can sort of use this as name. So the more open you put it, the more you’re going towards the left corner. If you close it a bit earlier, it might shoot up towards the short angle, but what you’re actually doing is you’re opening up and the ball is actually going to come in an area in between here so you’re trying to get the ball to touch to stick around here around here, and then sometimes even stop with the grip.