
When performing an aerial pass or scoop, it’s crucial to understand the mechanics and hand positioning involved. The goal is to get under the ball and keep it on the stick throughout the motion, as opposed to the ball rolling off the stick like in a drag flick.


For hand positioning, place your right hand near the bottom of the grip, and you can choose to have your finger out or in, depending on your preference. Your left hand should be brought towards your underarm, creating a 90-degree angle, which allows for maximum power generation.


Getting low is important in executing the aerial pass effectively. By bending your knees and maintaining a low stance, you can generate power not just from your arms, but also from your legs and core. This allows you to get under the ball and push it upwards with maximum force.


When practicing the overhead pass, it’s essential to focus on your intended target. Determine where you want the ball to bounce and direct your pass accordingly, aiming for that specific spot.


To enhance your skills, you can create two targets at different distances and challenge yourself to hit them with five balls. Additionally, if you’re not yet achieving great distance in your aerial pass, you can focus on playing the ball over a single target, gradually increasing your range. For example, aim to pass over the first goal and into the second one.