Right Foot Scoring

The technique is a challenging one that requires timing, balance, and strength. Getting the ball into the air with your right foot forward and flicking it accurately can be difficult. The key is to practice and develop your coordination and timing.


When executing this technique, it’s important to time your movement and flick of the ball correctly. As the goalkeeper comes out and you’re dribbling, you need to be prepared to step out with your right foot and maintain the right balance. As you step out, simultaneously flick the ball towards the desired direction. This coordination between footwork and flicking is crucial for executing the technique effectively.


In terms of hand positioning, adjust your grip and hand placement to optimize your ability to get under the ball and achieve a good flick. Instead of having your left hand out with the elbow extended, bring your left hand closer to your elbow, creating a 90-degree angle with your elbow. This position will assist in generating the necessary lift and power for the flick.


Using this technique can be a great way to surprise goalkeepers. While dribbling, the sudden switch to a right foot forward position and the subsequent flick into the long corner can catch the goalkeeper off guard. It adds an element of unpredictability to your play and increases your chances of scoring.


Remember to practice this technique consistently to improve your timing, balance, and flicking ability. With time and repetition, you’ll become more comfortable and proficient in executing this scoring technique.