Score More Goals

Welcome to our latest video. Today, we’re going to delve into the art of aiming when shooting on goal. This is a crucial skill, and I’ll be sharing three tips to help you improve your accuracy when taking shots.


Tip number one: Let’s start with your hands. When you enter the D and prepare to shoot, it’s important to have your hands in the correct position on the grip. Find the right balance, neither too close nor too open. This ensures you have a steady grip and allows for optimal contact with the ball. Position your hands at the top of the stick, forming a solid V shape. By maintaining proper hand placement, you’ll have better control over the direction of your shot.


Moving on to tip number two: Your body position plays a vital role in aiming. Pay attention to your legs, feet, and shoulders. When positioning yourself for a shot, ensure that your left foot is properly aligned with the ball. Not too far away or too close, about one stick length away is ideal. Your shoulders are crucial in determining the direction of your shot. Adjust their alignment to match your desired target. If you aim for the long corner, make sure your shoulders are pointing in that direction. Aligning your body correctly enhances your shooting accuracy.


Now, let’s move on to tip number three: The power of the mind. Visualization is key when it comes to aiming your shot. Before you shoot, mentally visualize where you want the ball to go. Believe in your ability to execute the shot accurately. This mental focus and belief have a significant impact on your performance. By directing your mind towards a specific corner or target, you enhance your chances of hitting your intended mark. So, as you approach the D, combine your physical preparation with a focused mind and visualize your desired target.


Remember, it’s the combination of hands, body, and mind that leads to successful aiming. Pay attention to each aspect, ensuring your hands are steady, your body is properly positioned, and your mind is focused on the target. Practice these techniques consistently to improve your shooting accuracy.