How To Use Body Fakes

Welcome to our latest video. Today, we’re going to dive into a valuable skill in hockey: body fakes. Mastering body fakes can be a game-changer when it comes to eliminating defenders. I’ll be demonstrating three different types of body fakes, so let’s get started!

The first body fake involves deceiving the defender by pretending to go left, and then quickly lifting the ball in the opposite direction. To execute this move, keep the ball stationary initially and use your left foot to step out as if you’re about to go left. Once the defender commits to that side, swiftly lift the ball in the opposite direction, catching them off guard. Now, take advantage of the space created and unleash your shot.

For the second body fake, we’ll be going in the opposite direction. This one adds a little complexity as we incorporate the use of our stick and arm. Begin by positioning the ball on your right foot. Open up the face of your stick with both hands, giving the impression that you’re going right or preparing to pass in that direction. Now, with a dragging motion, take the ball all the way to the left, keeping it on the outside. This move creates space on the left side, allowing you to accelerate down the line and outwit the defender.

Now, let’s move on to body fake number three. This fake relies on using your body to create space and mislead the defender. Start with the ball on your left side. Bring the ball to the right, and as you do so, lower your shoulder to the left. This action tricks the defender into thinking you’re heading in that direction. However, you’ll actually continue your run on the outside, leaving the defender behind. It’s a clever move that takes advantage of the defender’s focus on your body rather than the ball.

Remember, practicing these body fakes is essential to perfecting your skills on the field. Each fake requires precise timing and execution to deceive the defender effectively. So, get out there, put in the practice, and become adept at these body fakes.