Improve Your 3D Skills

Today we’re going to be looking at how to improve your 3d skills, I’ve thought of three exercises for you to improve your 3d skills, because nowadays, they’re really important. Remember, it’s essential to get comfortable keeping the ball at the right height, neither too high nor too low. The first exercise focuses on bouncing the ball onto the pitch and maintaining control by lifting and tapping it back down. You can practice this exercise while standing or, if needed, try it on one knee to make it easier at first.


Exercise number two involves moving in a square pattern while performing forehand lifts. Control the ball in the air, bring it back, and continue in different directions within the square. This exercise helps improve footwork along with your 3D skills.


For exercise number three, we’re taking it to a higher level. The goal is to change direction in the air. Start by lifting the ball, then change direction mid-air using the forehand. Next, do the same using the backhand, either by lifting and scooping with the left hand on the left side or by incorporating a variation where you turn your stick in the opposite direction. This adds an extra element of deception and makes it more challenging for defenders to anticipate your move.


Pay attention to the hand movements and stick positioning for each variation, as they play a crucial role in executing the skill effectively.


Don’t forget to practice these exercises diligently to develop and enhance your 3D skills. The more you practice, the more comfortable and proficient you’ll become with these techniques.