How To Run Faster With The Ball

How can I run faster with the ball? While some individuals naturally possess greater speed, there are techniques you can employ to enhance your speed when in possession of the ball. Let’s dive in.


The first method involves running with two hands on the stick, which provides you with more agility and the ability to maneuver around defenders. However, being low to the ground in this position limits your top speed. Hence, we need to explore other techniques to increase our running speed.


Another approach is to adopt a more upright posture while running. By doing so, you can maximize your speed. The key is to ensure that the ball stays under control. There are different variations to achieve this.


One variation involves letting go of your right hand and bringing the ball to your left foot. This allows you to run down the line while maintaining control of the ball.


Alternatively, you can bring the ball to the right side of your body, keeping it on the forehand side, and run in this manner. This technique allows you to achieve higher speeds and take larger steps.


Running with one hand on the stick is not the sole way to increase your speed with the ball. In situations where you are dribbling and need to accelerate, you can bring your right hand higher up the stick, elevating your upper body. This upright position allows for bigger steps and greater speed while still maintaining control of the ball.


Remember, these techniques require practice and experimentation to find what works best for you. Incorporate them into your training sessions and games to improve your speed with the ball.