Forehand Shot

Today, we’re going to dive into one of the most important techniques in hockey, the forehand shot. Mastering the forehand shot can lead to scoring numerous goals and is essential for any player. So let’s get started and learn how to execute the perfect forehand shot.


When it comes to the forehand shot, one crucial aspect to focus on is balance and contact. Achieving the right contact on the ball is vital for a successful shot. But how do we do it? The key lies in the positioning of our shoulders. Regardless of whether you have your left foot or right foot forward, or if you’re close or far away from the ball, aligning your shoulders correctly is crucial. Think of your shoulders as your aiming device, just like you would aim a gun. For example, if you want to shoot to the top left corner of the goal, your shoulders need to be lined up accordingly. If they are misaligned, you’ll need to compensate, which can affect the accuracy and power of your shot. So always ensure your shoulders are correctly positioned for your desired target.


Now let’s focus on the contact point on the stick. The sweet spot is where you want to hit the ball to generate the most power. Avoid hitting the ball too high or too low on the stick. Instead, aim to make contact right at the sweet spot. To achieve this, start with your hands at the top of the stick and step out with your left foot (or the opposite foot if you’re left-handed). Position your left shoulder at the same height as the ball. From here, initiate a smooth backswing, then accelerate through the ball during the shot. This technique will help you achieve optimal contact on the stick and generate power for your shot.


When executing the forehand shot, remember that power is not solely dependent on strength. It’s about technique and acceleration through the ball. Avoid crouching too low or making yourself small. Instead, stay tall and keep your head above the ball. Maintain a wide backswing to generate more power. Being in a compact and cramped position can hinder your shot. So focus on staying high, long, and fluid throughout the shooting motion.


To practice your forehand shot, start by working on your balance and contact on the stick. Once you have a good grasp of these fundamentals, you can gradually increase your power. A great exercise is to take five balls and aim for a specific target, such as the bottom right corner of the goal. Pay attention to maintaining balance, achieving solid contact, and aiming accurately. Challenge yourself to improve your shot with each attempt.