Re-imagining sport

The emergence from covid-19 is an opportunity to refocus and re-imagine why we play hockey once the pandemic recedes.
For some, the pandemic has led to a questioning of what the benefits of playing an organised sport. More family time was an opportunity for a reconnection within the family. For others, it was a loss of motivation (more time on the couch) and a drop in fitness or loss of skills.
The return to hockey will involve returning to a more regulated life. Training and games take time and need to fit in with family life. Players with a strong passion for hockey may have had their passion strengthened but for others the struggle to maintain fitness and a decrease in self-confidence will make it more difficult.
What is needed is more emphasis on fun and social connection. A shift in focus from competing to win to a focus on playing of hockey and the wider benefits of being part of a community.
The Greensborough Hockey Clubs welcomes the return of all members from previous seasons and new players of all abilities.
Registration for the winter competition for returning players. New players are welcome to make an inquiry and to learn more about joining the Greensborough Hockey Club.