1. Premier Hockey

Premier Hockey

Our aim is for both our men’s and women’s teams to remain competitive in Premier League now and into the future. Our priority is to develop future players from within our local area. We will do this by providing our top coaches and players with the appropriate skills and knowledge and encouragement to excel.

We will assist our coaches further develop their skills and knowledge giving our players the opportunity to reach their potential. Coaching is critical to both recruitment and retention of our players making quality coaching essential to the production of athletes for our future premier league teams. Issues we often face include:

  • Finding enough coaches
  • The turnover of coaches is high
  • Few coaches make it to the higher levels
  • It is difficult to get coaches to do coaching courses
  • Coaches tend to coach the way they were coached

We will be mindful of scheduling constrains and the need to make the best use of the finite time available to prepare our teams. Our approach will be based on the idea that the players are there to learn and be challenged. We will show our players how to train more productively and to take responsibility for their own results.

Talent identification and development is the process of a player moving into, and progressing up, the performance pathway until they play Premier League (and beyond) hockey. Providing ongoing support for continued development is one of the key components allowing the player to reach their potential. Recognition of a player’s potential at an early age will allow us to offer the support at the appropriate time.

The objective is to provide a fair and unbiased selection process, which facilitates the selection of the best players for the team. However, the ultimate goal is to place players in a team that is suited to their abilities and level of commitment. Selection also includes the management of expectations.

Regardless of our ‘On Field Performance’ our Premier League Status is in danger if we do not satisfy the League Entry Criteria (LEC) ‘Off Field’ criteria. To retain Premier League status we must achieve the following ‘Off Field’ criteria:

  • Governance
  • Facilities
  • Umpiring & Officials
  • Coaching
  • Achieve minimum participation points