Play Hockey

Game based learning in a nutshell
- A fun safe introductory program designed for new players between 3 and 12 years
- Weekly sessions at the Greensborough Hockey Club, Plenty Park, Memorial Drive Plenty 3090
- Every player gets time on the ball and the prime aim of each session is to build fundamental motor skills
- Skills based, not team based in a friendly non competitive atmosphere
- Participation every week is not essential
New to hockey, a fun introduction to Hockey designed for kinder children, encouraging the development of your child’s motor skills, balance and coordination. Suitable for 3 to 4 years old. Duration 35 minutes.
This program introduces your child to the basic concepts of hockey. They learn how to run with the ball and the session finishes with a game. Each game will be 2v2 or 3v3, just to give the feeling of what it is like to play a real game. Suitable for 4 to 5 years old. Duration 50 minutes. To maintain a safe environment the players are not allowed to swing at the ball, they must push and the ball must be dribbled over the line when scoring.
Created for children 6-8 years old, they do not need to have played before. Your child will participate in fun and challenging games every week with every session finishing with a game of 3v3 or 4v4. The program will introduce your child to hockey in a fun and team orientated environment. Suitable for 6 to 8 years old. Duration 55 minutes. We modify the rules to keep everyone safe and to stop packs forming and the game flowing.
This exciting program helps your child make the transition to club hockey. The kids are taught more skills and they get to play more challenging games. The goal is to teach about team play and positioning on the field, while keeping the fun and enjoyment. Suitable for 8 to 12 years old. Duration 55 minutes.

Team based learning
- New players wanting play a competitive team sport can join us at any age
- Each player will be allocated to a team commensurate with their skill level and each team will have a coach and team manager
- Weekly training sessions at the Greensborough Hockey Club, Plenty Park, Memorial Drive Plenty 3090
- Weekly age group based competition played on a ‘home & away’ basis played on Friday nights (older age groups) or Saturday mornings (younger age groups)
- Players are encouraged to be available for training and games on weekly basis during the season (May to August)
- Club uniforms are purchased from the club uniform shop
- Club policy requires everyone to use mouth guards and shin guards before they can play
Play hockey because it is fun. Will share the ball with close playmates. Team identity is starting to emerge. Movement is forward or backward. Games are all played at Plenty Park across the ground using a 1/4 or half field so everyone gets many touches. Goals are scored and umpires enforce the rules but with great leniency. There are premiership points or records kept and FUN is the major objective. Children play in an intra club program where they are placed in a team at the start of the season and they play against other teams from the Greensborough Hockey Club. When creating teams we make every effort to make the teams even while allowing players to stay in their friendship groups.
Motor skills becoming more refined. Players begin to develop at different rates and are instructed accordingly. Players develop the ability of playing to instructions and are starting to anticipate the ball. Movement is forward, backwards, sideways. More diversity with playing skills. Starting to recognise tactical concepts such as changing direction. Option to play ‘local’ with all games at Plenty Park and less emphasis on competition. More advanced players have the option of competitive hockey against neighbouring clubs where there is a greater emphasis on developing team skills and games are half field on Saturday mornings.
Increased ability to gain and apply knowledge so many are wanting training to have a greater emphasis on developing skills. Starting to spend more time with friends so they are looking for the club to organise social activities. Team based training one night per week. Girls have the option of playing in a separate girls only competition or in the boys competition. Games are played on full field on Saturday mornings. Competitions are graded with promotion and relegation.
The more advanced players in the age group can execute the range of skills but most are still developing previously taught skills. Players are being taught to think for themselves but it is also a time where they are eager to learn. Coaches will balance between allowing “flair” and playing to instruction. Some players can be self critical and in need of regular positive reinforcement. Rapid growth spurts can effect balance and coordination. Players train one night each week and play in a competition against other clubs on Friday nights. Competitions are graded with promotion and relegation. Many are also starting to play games in the open age competitions on Saturday afternoons or Sundays. The desire to interact socially is increasing.
At this age, players work on basic technical skills, individual tactical awareness and basic principles of the game, as well as starting to look at mental attitudes such as concentration, self-confidence, perseverance, will, etc. The focus is on learning, practising and transposing the technical skills mastered to real games. Learning the principles of the game in order to improve players’ reading of the game, practising collective technique on the ball and additional physical training devoted specifically to developing aerobic capacity and speed, as well as exercises for suppleness, coordination and movement, complete the training program. Players train one night each week and play in a competition against other clubs on Friday nights. Competitions are graded with promotion and relegation.
In this age group the requirements of school often limit the time available for hockey training. The focus should be on sensible competition and travel for gradual development to keep players in the game for the long term. Most players are now also playing a second game in the open age competition. Some at a high standard. Players train one night each week (consideration given where there is a need to study) and play in a competition against other clubs on Friday nights. Competitions are graded with promotion and relegation.

Hockey in Primary Schools
We will bring hockey to your kinder or primary school and introduce your students to the game in a fun and engaging way. We will customise depending on your students age. With our schools program we can use your equipment or bring our own. Hockey is a great way to promote interaction between students in a fun way. We just need a flat area the size of a basketball court or a little larger.
The Greensborough Hockey Club also offers free ‘come & try’ hockey sessions during the year at the Plenty Park Hockey Centre, Memorial Drive Plenty.
Small Sided Games – Learning the Game through Involvement
Small sided games are an extension of fun games and grid games but are basically a smaller version of the full games.
The benefit of small sided games includes increased involvement through plenty of ball contact, movement, skill under game pressure, and more decisions of the attacking and defensive nature. This will assist your players in having a greater appreciation of the game.
Small-sided games are set up in a much smaller space and have less players than a normal game of hockey. The smaller setup allows everyone to be part of the game and coaches can guide players to learn particular skills or concepts through the game rules.
The fewer players on the field, the more possible times a player will come in contact with the ball. Players will find they have no choice; the ball will quickly find them! It also allows coaches to observe and analyze the individual and collective responses of players under quick game-like conditions in a simple environment. When playing small sided games it is easier to coach.