Greensborough Hockey Club: 2025 Season Participation Confirmation 🏑

As we gear up for the 2025 season, we extend our heartfelt gratitude to those who have already registered. Your prompt action significantly aids our planning and preparation.

For Those Yet to Register:

If you’ve been meaning to register but haven’t gotten around to it, we kindly ask you to take a moment to complete your registration now. Your timely response is crucial for several reasons:

  1. Effective Team Formation: Knowing our roster allows us to assemble balanced and competitive teams, ensuring an enjoyable experience for all players.

  2. Resource Allocation: Accurate participant numbers help us efficiently allocate resources, including coaching staff, training sessions, and equipment.

  3. Scheduling and Logistics: With confirmed numbers, we can plan practice sessions and matches effectively, optimizing time slots and facility usage.

  4. Financial Planning: Early registration assists in budgeting for the season, covering expenses such as facility rentals, equipment purchases, and other operational costs.

  5. Insurance Coverage: Registration ensures you are covered under our player injury insurance scheme, which protects you during all hockey-related activities, not just during competitions.

Next Steps:

Your timely response is vital for the successful planning and execution of the upcoming season. We appreciate your cooperation and look forward to a great year ahead.

Contact Information:

For any questions or assistance, please reach out to our Hockey Operations department at

Register Now:

#GHC #GreensboroughHockey #2025Season #Registration

By confirming your participation status, you’re helping us ensure a well-organized and successful season for all.