We are moving online

The Greensborough Hockey Club will be taking all our activities online. The health and well being of the hockey community is the club’s top priority so there will be no further training or any other activities organised by the hockey club at the hockey ground until further notice.

How Can We Continue Online?

  1. Using the time to read about hockey – this is the default option, and we all agree it’s not ideal but we can provide you with links to various hockey related articles from all over the world.
  2. By putting our drills online – hockey is about doing but by putting our drills online we are in a better position to understand the purpose of the drill
  3. Share some YouTube videos related to hockey – this is the same as the previous two, but in video form
  4. Using the Chat option provided by Team App, it is not like meeting in person but at least we can keep the two-way communication going and avoid the out-of-sight, out-of-mind syndrome
  5. Continue working on maintaining our fitness from home by following our suggested fun fitness programs

Will it be as good as the real, in person hockey?

No but for the time being it is not possible to continue with training sessions organised by the club. Concerns about your safety and well being are just too great.

Our Plan Is To Reach You With Team App

We will stay in touch with Team App and the club’s website so we encourage you to add Team App to your phone now but if this is not possible we will use email to keep you in the loop.